What Are the Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy

What Are the Benefits of Spinal Decompression Therapy

To understand the benefits of spinal decompression therapy, it’s essential first to find out what it is.


Spinal Decompression Therapy


At birth, your vertebrae are packed with water that offers cushion and makes moving your joints comfortable. But, with age, the fluid leaks out of the vertebrae joints, making them inflexible. This process is accelerated by having too much pressure on the spine. With the spinal discs becoming thin, you may start to experience uncomfortable symptoms.


Common signs of spinal compression include chronic pain in the neck and lower back. You may also have sciatica pain and some radiating nerve pain. Muscle weakness and tingling in your extremities are also common signs of compression.


Decompression therapy involves gently stretching your vertebrae, allowing the fluid to flow back in the joints. The fluid fills the vacuum created by the separation of discs. Chiropractic spinal decompression is non-surgical. It helps to relieve pain and restore normal function.


The chiropractor asks you to lie on a unique lumbar decompression table. He then gently manipulates the structures in your spine, setting them back to their proper positions. Spinal decompression therapy also cures the pain by forcing oxygen and the nutrient-rich fluids inside the discs, initiating the healing process.


The Benefits of Spinal Decompression


1. Non-Invasive


Spinal decompression relieves a great deal of pain without needing any invasive surgeries. The procedure does not work only for those with slight or mild pain. Even patients with severe pain in the neck and back can have relief. You can walk into the chiropractor’s offices with severe pain and potentially walk out pain-free after one session.


2. Does Not Need Any Medication


Besides not needing surgery, this method does not necessitate medication either. Spinal decompression relieves pain and promotes healing in a natural way.


3. Recovery Time Is Short


Spinal surgery may have you bedridden for some weeks before you can get up. Once you’re up, you may need physical therapy for a few more weeks before returning to your everyday life. Yet, with chiropractic care, after relieving pressure from your spine, the pain goes away. You can return from your appointment to carry on your everyday life.


4. The Treatment Is Quick


Spinal decompression has little to no downtime. You need not stay in a hospital awaiting surgery. With only a visit to our offices and an evaluation of your condition, you can start treatment. A chiropractic session takes 30 minutes or so, but this often depends on your needs.


5. People of All Ages Can Take It Up


Chiropractic care is for everyone. Anyone can have spinal decompression treatment regardless of his or her age. The treatment is non-invasive and safe, in the hands of an experienced and licensed professional. You may not even feel a thing throughout the procedure. So, don’t be afraid to schedule a visit for your child who needs it.


6. Improved Posture


Most people who have pain in their vertebrae end up with poor posture. Unfortunately, wrong posture further affects the alignment of the spine. But, spinal decompression helps to take out any nerve interference freeing you from pain. Also, with regular chiropractic care, you may see a dramatic improvement in your posture.


Chiropractic care for spinal decompression has many benefits over traditional surgical solutions. To have this treatment done, call Knecht Chiropractic Center in Sanford, North Carolina at (919) 629-0400 to request an appointment.

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