Many people think that chiropractic care only involves spinal manipulations. However, this is far from the only technique that your chiropractor can use to help you address issues with your health and wellbeing.
Massage therapy is just one type of treatment offered by chiropractors. Depending on your reason for visiting your chiropractor, you may be recommended to have massage therapy alongside other chiropractic techniques, such as spinal adjustments or trigger point therapy, or as a standalone treatment. Massage therapy focuses on the manual manipulation of soft body tissues in order to relax you and promote improved health and wellbeing. Let’s find out a little more about the physical and emotional benefits of massage therapy.
There are many different physical benefits associated with massage therapy. Some of the most common include:
Massage therapy has been shown to be very effective at helping to relieve pain completely naturally and without the need for medication. It does this by stimulating the release of endorphins, which are the hormones responsible for reducing pain and boosting pleasure, causing us to experience a feeling of contentment and wellbeing. They are often referred to as ‘feel-good’ chemicals for this reason. Massage also releases painful tension that may be being held in the muscles, tendons and joints. This release can help patients to experience a reduction in the discomfort they are experiencing, particularly in the case of chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia.
Inflammation is a common problem for many people with many different types of illnesses and disorders. Many inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis and bursitis, can be successfully treated using massage therapy, which relaxes the muscles by encouraging blood circulation into the area. Inflammation and swelling go hand in hand, and unsurprisingly, swelling that occurs, particularly around the joints, can inhibit patient mobility. When you have massage therapy to reduce inflammation, you get the added benefit of enhanced mobility, which in turn restores your quality of life.
Massage therapy is a very effective way of boosting circulation. This is important as it is our blood that carries oxygen and nutrients around the body, delivering them to the areas that need them to function optimally and stay healthy. Our blood also removes waste materials from the cells so that they can be eliminated by our body. When circulation is enhanced, these processes work much more efficiently, helping patients to enjoy improved health and optimal body function.
In addition to the physical benefits of massage therapy, patients can also expect to reap a number of emotional and psychological ones. Some of these include:
Massage is well known as being an effective stress reliever and with good reason. Cortisol, which is a type of hormone, is released during massage. Cortisol is responsible for reducing stress levels within the body, helping patients to feel calmer and more relaxed. Not only will patients feel less stressed, but they can also experience a range of other health benefits as a result of lower stress levels. These include lower blood pressure, improved breathing, better quality sleep and a reduction or elimination of mood swings.
Our brain needs plenty of oxygen to thrive, and when you undergo massage therapy, the acceleration of blood flow means that plenty of oxygen and nutrients race around the body to the major organs, including the brain. As a result, patients can enjoy better focus and concentration, improved memory and other important cognitive functions.
It’s amazing what a good night of sleep can do for our physical and emotional wellbeing. Nevertheless, sleep problems are extremely common, particularly amongst people who suffer from stress, anxiety or other mental health issues. Prolonged insomnia can cause patients to experience a range of unpleasant and debilitating effects, from mood swings and poor concentration, to potentially dangerous daytime fatigue. Massage helps patients to relax and shut down their body and mind, making it easier for them to fall and stay asleep and experience all of the benefits associated with a great night of sleep.
To find out more about the benefits of massage therapy, or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to call Knecht Chiropractic Center at (919) 629-0400.