Can a Chiropractor Treat a Herniated Disc?

Can a Chiropractor Treat a Herniated Disc?

Intervertebral discs provide flexibility and act as shock absorbers and distributors in the spine. Sometimes, cracks can appear on the outer disc layer and cause the soft inner material to push out. This condition, called a herniated disc, prevents the discs from providing an adequate cushion for the spine.


The condition can be painful, but there are several ways to treat a herniated disc. Here is information on whether a chiropractor can treat a herniated disc.


Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor


It is wise to exhaust less invasive options before you decide to get surgery for a herniated disc. Chiropractic treatment is drug-free, so you avoid the side effects associated with medication.


A chiropractor has extensive musculoskeletal structure knowledge and can provide non-invasive treatment for a herniated disc. They will examine your condition to determine if you are a candidate for the therapy. Chiropractors have the necessary training to manipulate the spine to reduce pain and promote healing.


Diagnosing Herniated Disc Injury


The type of disc injury that you have will determine the best treatment. The chiropractor will examine your entire spine to check the overall function and the extent of the injury. The pain may be in the lower back, but the chiropractor will also examine your neck.


Some patients have medical conditions that make them poor candidates for chiropractic treatment. If the chiropractor notices the advanced loss of reflexes, sensation, or strength, they may refer you to a specialist or spine surgeon.


Individualized Treatment Plan


Chiropractic treatment is effective and safe for most patients. A chiropractor will develop an individualized plan to treat and provide relief from the pain of a herniated disc. The treatment will depend on the patient’s overall health, pain, and activity level.


The plan often includes:

  • Manual therapy.
  • Massage.
  • Therapeutic exercises.
  • Spinal manipulation or adjustments.


Techniques for Herniated Discs


Techniques such as flexion-distraction and pelvic blocking can help treat herniated discs.


During the flexion-distraction technique, the chiropractor will use a slow, pumping motion to work the injured area. The patient will lie on a special table that stretches the spinal column and back. Manipulation moves the disc into a natural position.


Pelvic blocking helps alleviate pressure on the spine and discs. It involves the use of cushioned wedges.


Herniated Disc and Back Pain


Herniated discs are a common cause of lower back pain. Hence, a chiropractor will take the patient’s history and conduct a physical examination to determine the cause of the back pain.


There have been suggestions that chiropractic adjustments for back pain can lead to herniated discs. Unfortunately, this has led to delays in getting treatment, and many people end up requiring surgery. Chiropractic care can help prevent the need for invasive intervention.


People who are averse to getting their back cracked can get gentle techniques like intermittent traction.


For more on receiving treatment for a herniated disc, call Knecht Chiropractic Center at (919) 629-0400 to reach our office in Sanford, North Carolina.