According to relevant research, pain in the hand, shoulder, and arm are common issues. However, no matter how common they are, problems in these areas can be debilitating when they aren’t relieved quickly. If you are looking for a way to get natural relief from a licensed chiropractor, we should talk about the necessary chiropractic treatments needed.
As the pain ensues, your chiropractor will subject your affected areas to a cold compress. The cold will decrease the pain and swelling of your painful ligaments, muscles, and tendons. Your chiropractor will only apply the compress for 20 minutes, take a break, and when the skin warms up again, apply the cold compress once more.
After applying the cold compress, your chiropractor will apply a hot compress. The heat will restore the circulation of blood in the affected areas and relax the tightened muscles. Your chiropractor will continue to apply alternating cold and hot compresses to the painful areas.
Your chiropractor will then subject your shoulder, hand, and arm to structured, gentle exercise. Studies show that these movements will help bolster healing in the affected areas and that this mild strengthening will help decrease pain and maintain bone alignment.
To stabilize your affected areas, your chiropractor will also recommend bandages, specialty braces, or elastic wraps to decrease swelling and pain. The wrap will surround your shoulder, hand, or arm and will have to removed at least once every hour to ensure good blood flow. Your chiropractor will advise you to use your wrap with your cold and hot compresses to reduce the inflammation in the painful areas.
Your chiropractor will also stress the importance of adequate sleep. Enough rest supports healing in your entire body. When you sleep, you must elevate your hurting upper extremity with a pillow and try to get at least eight hours of restful sleep each night.
Proper nutrition is also included in your chiropractor’s treatment since healing your affected shoulder, arm, and hand also involves eating the right kinds of foods rich in minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins since these nutrients work together in repairing injured tissue. Also be sure to avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol because these can elevate your cortisol levels, tensing up your muscles and increasing joint stiffness and pain. Your chiropractor will also tell you to drink more water to remove excess cortisol that builds up when you’re stressed and in pain.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation or TENS is one of the methods used by your chiropractor for electrotherapy. It stimulates your affected muscles and nerves through mild electric pulses by attaching electrodes on the skin over your painful shoulder, arm, and hand. Your chiropractor will adjust the right setting based on your tolerance level.
The problems in your shoulder, arm, and hand can be solved by your chiropractor in a more natural way. We at Knecht Chiropractic Center, can help you ease any pain in your shoulder, hand, or arm with the right care. Feel free to call us at (919) 629-0400 to set up an appointment or visit our clinic in Sanford, North Carolina, to meet our chiropractic team.