Losing weight and reducing body fat are two of the most common goals of people who would like to change their shape and reduce their size. Needless to say, that this is far easier said than done. Unless you are very lucky, chances are you will have to work exceptionally hard to make a significant difference to your weight or body fat percentage. Fortunately, the cosmetic surgery industry has some solutions that can help. One of the newest treatments for non-invasive fat loss that is now available in Sanford, NC is red light contouring.
Red light contouring is a form of red light therapy and uses laser technology to help people lose weight, tone their body and see a reduction in their body fat and cellulite. Red light contouring enables you to sculpt and tone your body without the need for invasive surgery. When the lasers are directed at the area that you wish to target, safe, concentrated wavelengths of red light penetrate the skin and cells where it stimulates cellular energy production. This is known as adenosine triphosphate or ATP for short and helps your body to power itself more effectively. Red light therapy has also been shown to heat up the fat cells so that the fat inside is liquefied and able to leak out of the cell before being eliminated by the lymphatic system. Once fat cells have been processed out of body, they cannot return. Remaining fat cells can become larger if you gain weight, but if you maintain your weight, you should be able to maintain a smaller and more toned shape.
In addition to this, red light therapy stimulates the production of new collagen, which is the major protein in the connective tissues of the skin and ensures the integrity, elasticity and regeneration of the skin, at a cellular level. This can help to improve the appearance of cellulite and tighten and tone the skin, giving patients further contouring and definition, and an overall younger appearance.
Red light contouring can be successfully used on a variety of areas of the body, including your abdomen, buttocks, thighs, calves, chest, arms, back, neck and chin! During your consultation, your provider will be able to advise you if red light contouring is the best option for addressing the areas you are concerned about.
The technology used in red light contouring actually draws the heat away from the skin, concentrating them on the fat cells. This means that you will be able to remain comfortable and relaxed for the duration of your procedure.
Exactly how many sessions of red light therapy you will need will depend on your original shape and how much of a difference you hope to achieve. Many patients can see a significant improvement in their appearance after just a couple of sessions. Your provider will be able to give you an estimation as to how many sessions you can expect to require during your consultation.
If you are looking for non-invasive fat loss in Sanford, NC red light contouring could be the perfect solution. To find out more about this effective cosmetic technique, please get in touch with our offices where our team would be happy to answer any questions that you have.